Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mermaids of Fantasy Lake: Characters

These are the magical mermaids of the Kingdom of Coral.

The Four Elements: Characters

These are some character design sketches for a story that I'm writing.

Frosty the Polar Bear!

I entered this for the 2018-2019 Reflections competition and it won 1st place for Literature. It's a comic called "The Icy Adventures of Frosty the Polar Bear."

Friday, June 15, 2018


This is my story I wrote a little bit ago called "Midnight." It's about a boy named Justin who finds a door in a wall with a whole world inside! He sets out on a quest to defeat the most menacing villain of all : The Ghost!

You can download Midnight here.

welcome to my blog!

   Hello! My name is Blaise and this blog will be for my stories, drawings, and more! So come on in to the cave of art!